



Leslie E. {Fab@40+ Project} | Sherry Penner

Today in the Fab@40+ Project blog story I get to introduce you to Leslie. I have come to know Leslie a little over the years through a group of mutual friends and through school with both our kids being in the same grade, and for a bout a minute and a half we were in a book club together. Leslie is an elementary school teacher, she is always bubbly, smiling and friendly and over the years we have had a couple times to sit down and have some good chats. She is one of those people who its easy to pick up with after you haven’t spoken in a while.

Over the last year Leslie has committed a lot of time to her passion of hiking and can be found in the mountains conquering the next milestone in her hiking adventures, it something she does with her family, but also something she does for herself. I think that is really great, sometimes as mothers we get so caught up in supporting the needs and extra curricular activities of our families that we forget our own, or don’t take the time to explore those passions for lack of time and energy. I am inspired watching Leslie’s hiking adventures and it makes me want to get outside more.

Hair and Makeup: Robyn Langevin

Thank you Leslie, for being a part of this project, you are simply glowing in your portraits.

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