Shandra DC {Fab@40+ Project} | Sherry Penner

Today I get to share with you, Shandra’s Fab@40+ Session. Shandra wanted and Old Hollywood look for her glamour portion of the session and wow did it ever suit her. Shandra works in a professional office environment, she dresses conservatively and she is pretty conservative in her own demeanour. She said, this was just something she would never do but what the heck she’d only be this age once. Shandra, just turned 47.

She has gone through some major surgery, and has some chronic health issues. She works long hours and cares deeply for her clients which often ends up with her working when she shouldn’t be working. This session was some self love that she most deeply needed. Thank you Shandra for trusting me with your vulnerability and putting yourself out there. I am just in love with the mood of your images. I want to say that half of Shandra’s images are for her eyes only and I respect that 100% but I sure wish you all could see more.

Something happened at her viewing appointment that has really had me thinking, and keep in mind this is completely from my point of view, and my thoughts on it. Shandra brought her husband to the viewing. Before we got started I told Shandra how much I just loved her images and how I thought she really did such an amazing job working the camera, I hardly had to give her direction. I thanked her for taking the time to really make sure her outfit fit the style we were going for and for trusting me, because she stepped way outside her comfort zone and she rocked it. Anyway, she teared up. Which to me was a pretty normal reaction but her hubby asked her “why are you all teary?” and it seemed like he genuinely didn’t get why she would be so emotional. It’s not his fault, he’s a man and men can take complements.

Here is the thing I have been mulling over since that happened. So often women cannot see their own beauty. Now you are me are going to look at these portraits and we are going to think WOW, STUNNING, AMAZING, SO GORGEOUS. Most women cannot look at themselves and see how truly gorgeous they can be without some form of shame, or guilt or doubt, myself included but I have learned that there is no shame at looking at yourself and admiring what you see. And more importantly that you should! If only we could all see ourselves through the eyes of others. I hope that is what this portrait project is helping you all to see, just how gorgeous you are.

Hair and Makeup: Robyn Langevin

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    Art Portrait

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