This is Kim, 48 years Fabulous! She is a Power Engineer, she lives in Lacombe with her husband and 4 dogs, and has grown children. 3 of the dogs are rescues, and she is busy with them when she isn’t working. Kim likes to read and to cook.
Kim wanted to be a part of this project because she wants to be more sure of herself. Seeing a beautiful portrait will change the way your inner voice talks to you, this I have said so many times and truly believe. She said, “everything about this is completely foreign to her.” From the clothes, to the hair and makeup and being in front of the camera. She has never had a photoshoot of her own before.
Kim has been told she looks angry in photographs and now that is how she sees herself. And although she is serious and has a quiet and reserved personality she has such beautiful lips and sparkling eyes. I think she looks stunning, like a fashion model, they don’t smile in pictures either:) I hope that this photoshoot plants a seed in your subconscious so you can start to see your own beauty, and don’t be afraid to let it out and shine.
This is Kim.
HMUA Robyn Lynn Makeup Artistry