
It’s new years, so you know, the yearly pep talk.

Well it’s that time of year. I like to reflect and make goals, read past goals and see if any of them came to fruition, make more goals and feel optimistic about the steps I need to achieve them.

Reflecting I can see where things didn’t end up as I expected was because of my own internal conflict around something that held me back. I was aware last year of a negativity toward myself from myself, in my work achievements, and I worried too much with a scarcity mentality that I know is false. I’m going to blame those internal feelings on spending too much time dwelling on things that are out of my control, the fear mongering and diversity of our current world affairs, how much groceries cost…yada yada yada.

In actually I had a fantastic 2022 in my career/business and in my personal life. I had amazing clients, several of them repeat from past years and from the current year and I gave them an amazing experience and services that I am proud of and that they will cherish for a life time, and beyond to future generations. We added a puppy to our lives.

I got within 3 points of my first level in my accreditation journey, so I know I will achieve that this coming year and it will be my time to up my game and work on those more complex stylized shoots that will get me to my Masters. Learn more to be more…my eternal goal.

I reno’d my studio, which inspired and invigorated me for this next year’s Fab@40+ Project. I plan to up my level in shooting, posing and editing skills. I invested in a course with one of my fav photography educators to learn advance levels in fine art editing and I have committed to a mentoring program for the entire year of 2023 (even tho that includes getting out and networking with real life people and my fear of that is already whispering to me) to help keep moving toward my business goals and not just write this letter to myself on day one and forget that steps are required to get me where I want to go. I am motivated and feeling super creative these days.

I started painting again, with real paints and brushes (not that digital painting isn’t just as real but that is a different soap box). I am not very good, of course I am not very good I pick up a brush every couple of years let my frustrations of not being very good take over the experience and put the brushes away for another year +. This time what’s different? I realized I don’t really care about the finished project (egad, what did I just say? At least not yet) right now the pleasure is in the motions of creating something and not what is actually being created. That sounds a little like this commercial artist should start burning incense and saying weird stuff like “its about the art man, not about the money”

So first step in my mentoring program is to write a letter to myself listing my goals for 2023 but written in the present tense as if I have already achieved these goals. I am working on my list right now. Then I have to print it out, put it in an envelope and save it to read next year. I do some version of this every year so this isn’t new but I am committed and step one is step one. Today I reflect, tomorrow we start anew.

I wish for you all, and double the points for anyone who has actually read this far, that you state your goals out loud, find the steps to walk toward them, and celebrate with me at the end of 2023. I appreciate each and every person who walks through my door, knocks on my life, grows along side me, cheers me on, has my back. That is you. And Thank You.

Fine Art Portraits, sherry penner photography, red deer and central alberta and beyond
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  • Gloria

    You are your own worst critic. You know what was in your minds eye when you first conceived of an idea and anything falling short of that is a failure. In your opinion. Those of us without your talents can only marvel. 
    There is nothing like creating out of something that of what others perceive as just things. A blank canvas, pots of paint mean nothing until you put you into a finished project. I knit, you take a ball of yarn and some sticks and create something that ends up being useful, beautiful and very much appreciated by the receivers. 
    Never stop learning and challenging yourself. ReplyCancel

    • Sherry Penner

      Gloria, thank you for being one of my cheer leaders! I agree we are our own worst critics, I think we need to be to keep growing. But I also have those moments of Wow! Wow I created that. And I’m a junky for that feeling! ReplyCancel

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My studio is located in Blackfalds, Alberta.

Serving Central Alberta and Beyond


