Carolyn M. {Fab@40+ Project} | Sherry Penner

After meeting Carolyn for the first time, right off the bat you could describe her with strong words like “vivacious” and “self assured”. She has the most winning smile and you are immediately just comfortable being yourself around her. It’s hard to believe her when she says she wasn’t aways like that, that at one time she was insecure and always searching for other’s approval. She certainly isn’t that anymore, but I know that many of us find our own self confidence once we hit our 40+’s and I find that to be such a welcoming and exciting part of this next stage in life. That part where you don’t care so much what other people think, and instead you look inward and wonder what it is that you think.

Carolyn hit a cross roads in life with the closing down of her career at ParentLink, but she didn’t stop long to wonder what she would be doing now, in her vivacious 50’s and starting over, she did just that and started her own company. You can find her helping families at Parenting Proactively 101: Family connections with Carolyn.

Carolyn wanted to add on an Art portrait and I was pretty happy when she suggested we do a steampunk theme. As you may know already SteamPunk is my “thing”!.

Here is Carolyn’s session.

Hair and Makeup: Robyn Langevin (Robyn Lynn Makeup Artistry)

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  • Jackie Morrison

    Stunning stunning stunning!!!!! Love these photos and this story!!!ReplyCancel


Art Portrait

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