I have heard of people working for years on their self assigned projects. I thought I would have cruised through my Shoot the West project by now but I am still diligently working away at it. Every time I sort through the pictures I find some more that I love. Some will make the cut for the calendar and some will not so right now I am trying to concentrate on getting the calendar finished and ready for the Christmas season.
Last week I was approached by Ingrid of Cody & Sioux clothing store. She wants to sell some of my calendars at her store in Calgary and I am ecstatic about it. What a great opportunity this is for me to get my art in front of a whole new crowd I probably would not have reached without her. So now I am pushing my release date up to October to get these calendars printed and out the door. Exiting times here and frankly I am more productive when I have a deadline.

I have 3 more fine art portraits to create to finish the 12 month calendar collection but it’s available to pre-order. Pre-order and get the early bird price $35, after it’s printed the price goes up to $40. PREORDER now!