Today I would like to introduce you to Lisa. Lisa is about to embark on a completely new chapter in her life. She has recently sold her home and equine ranch and boarding stables, where she has built her career in Somatic training and Energy Healing, teaching clinics and riding lessons. She and her husband have sold their home and ranch and most everything they own to live in their RV in BC and travel around to where ever the wind will blow them, with a couple horses in still in tow.
When I was a little girl we had a motor home and I would dream of living in it. Somewhere deep in me I have a gypsy soul and I will say I am a little envious and very excited for Lisa and her new adventures. Lisa will continue to do clinics, and online energy healing sessions while she is out roaming about.
Lisa has donated a session of energy healing to our project. I wasn’t sure what that was all about so I was checking out her website and I think this will be a coveted prize to be won. You can check out Lisa’s website: and see how her energy healing sessions might be helpful to you even if you aren’t a horse person.
You might be wondering what would inspire someone to take such a major life change on. We all say we wish to do something like this, sell it all and live in an RV, but few actually would. Lisa like many of us at this stage in our lives has had some health issues that put a different perspective of life in her heart and mind. It’s sad that that is usually what it takes for us to sit up and realize we are not immortal, that life is very short and we all need to find ways to live it to our fullest. What ever that means for each of us that is what I wish for us all to search for and find. Life is a journey. Here is the Fabulous Lisa.
Hair and Makeup; Robyn Langevin

Such Beauty and Serenity, inside and out. Congratulations and Happy Travelling and Transitioning!