



How a personal challenge is going to help grow my business…Sherry Penner

Last month at book club the book we were reading was Rachel Hollis’s “Girl, wash your face.” Coincidence or good timing, Rachel’s Last 90 Days Challenge starts today! And a few of us from the book club committed to doing it. What is the Last 90 Days Challenge? Well it’s a way to stay motivated to finish the year strong.

Rachel says, “How many of you feel like the year just flew by? How many of you can’t believe we’re here already in October? More importantly, how many of you set goals and plans for yourself at the start of this year that you haven’t yet achieved? I don’t remind you of that to bum you out, I remind you of how fast time is passing by so that you might take a step back and be more intentional with it. You’ve got three months until New Year’s Eve. Three months until –if you’re like me– you make goals or resolutions about what you’d like to accomplish and who you’d like to be and you are way more likely to achieve your New Year’s goals if you end your year flying high instead of crashing and burning.

Think of it like this… if you needed to climb to the 20th floor of a building and you’re already on the tenth floor, does it make sense to go back down to the basement now and start all over in January? No way! We’re already here. Maybe we charged up the ten flights last January or maybe it took us all of 2018 to get to this place but dang it, we’re here. It doesn’t make any sense to blow it all now. But the thing is, that’s exactly what we do when we mail it in at the end of the year! You throw away any momentum you have and keep resetting in January and you wonder why you can’t even get across the finish line. You can’t get across the finish line because you keep leaving the race! What if we try something new? What if we reset our intentions and keep working your way up the remaining flights. What if we find the energy and momentum today that we usually reserve for January 1st? An object in motion stays in motion, I say, we don’t stop moving.” #Last90Days is all about keeping you in motion!

I have a million things to accomplish in these next 3 months to set me up for a strong start for next year and I have BIG BIG plans. This time of year can be difficult for me mentally, I’ve lost my holiday spirit somewhere along the way, I am not sure when or where it went to but heading in to November I start to feel a bad negative energy within me. I know its up to me to turn that around. So I am going to start October as if it were January, this challenge is going to help me stay focused on what needs to be done, take some time for myself to mentally shake loose what ever it is that crawls in my head this time of year and get a jump start on my goals for next year.

First step, today I head back to the gym. I had all intentions of starting September 1st, but here we are a month later… paid my membership yesterday, laid out my work out clothes in the bathroom so they were there and ready to put on this morning, charged my earbuds for some motivational mindset work out and now I’m enjoying my magic coffee while the house still sleeps and I have a few moments to myself.

Today I encourage everyone to take a hard look at the next 90 days and see just how you can start your New Years push today. Lets see how much further we can be when the actual day happens.


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