This is Christine, and this gorgeous babe is 55! Christine came to this project with a big story, most of which I am not going to share as it’s not my story to tell, but I want to thank Christine for being open and sharing with me (and Robyn) her journey to get here.
Christine has 3 daughters and 1 son, and lives in Red Deer. 8 years ago she decided to become a body builder, and has modelled and entered in to competition. She has done 5 bodybuilding shows and plans to do one more. There is a history of mental illness in her family and she choose bodybuilding as a way to set an example for her family that they can overcome large challenges by setting big goals.
But somewhere along the way Christine lost herself, and being a part of this project is the beginning of finding Christine again. Christine likes to find the positive in everyday and I am so glad to have had a chance to be a part of her journey.
Here is Christine.
HMUA Robyn Lynn Makeup Artistry