When and old friend comes back in to your life | Sharon’s Story

You know when an old friend comes back in to your life kind of unexpected and you and you didn’t even realize how much you missed them? That happened to me this summer.

Back in my young adulthood I was working at a little copy shop in Red Deer called Copies Now (which is still there by the way and if you need any printing or copying you should go there). At this little copy shop I met many of my life long friends. Some I have kept in constant touch with and others have faded like sometimes friendships fade, for no particular reason other than you took a different journey through life.

Such a friend is Sharon. Sharon and I worked at Copies Now together in the early 2000’s and gradually lost touch, remember this was before Facebook came to the rescue and brought people back together.

This past January I got a message from Sharon saying she wanted to do a photo shoot with me. That the occasion was she had a milestone birthday coming up in May and she wanted to celebrate that with a glamorous photo session.

When we met for her consultation it was just like picking up where we had left off, she was still super easy to talk with and we spent a couple hours just catching up. In that time we switched her Glamour session to an Art session as she decided she wanted me to tell her story in a portrait, one she could reflect on and dream of a bright future as she moved on in to this next phase of life.

This is Sharon’s portrait story. Even I don’t know all the meanings of the details she wanted in the image she simply gave me a list of things she wanted in it, we discussed an over all theme and this is how her story of hope for a bright future was told.

art portrait, custom story pictures, telling stories with portraits, sherry penner, central alberta, composite photography

And of course we captured a few that were just Sharon being her most glamorous self, and as soon as we were done Sharon booked a second shoot. A Mother Daughter session so she could share this experience with her daughter, Tori. Stay tuned for part two of Sharon and Tori next time.

Sharon it was lovely connecting with you again, catching up over long talks in the door way after saying good-bye several times, picking right up where ever we might have left off like a decade + hasn’t gone by. I look forward to keeping in touch. Cheers, Sherry.

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    Art Portrait

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    My studio is located in Blackfalds, Alberta.

    Serving Central Alberta and Beyond

